Art Musings

Travel Inspires Art

I was editing my Perugi Studio Website and placing photographs. This involves going into the media folder and picking out the images. I noticed a photo I took on a trip to Italy three years ago that clearly inspired one of my recent paintings, Arches. The place and...

New Cold Wax Paintings

I've seen paintings crop up at shows with the label "Cold Wax" which interested me because I always wanted to learn encaustic painting. Encaustic is also known as hot wax painting, and involves using heated beeswax to which colored pigments are added. The liquid or...

Make a Pochade from an Artist Box

While I was in a week long plein air class at Truro Center for the Arts, I noticed some of the students using a pochade box. It is an artist easel and supply box that mounts on a tripod. Since I have a Bogen Tripod from my photography days, I decided this was the...

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